One common question that has been asked by nurses and many who are looking forward to becoming a nurse is “Can nurses have tattoo?”. We can all attest to the fact that tattoo is becoming more popular and is fairly gaining social acceptance, however, there are some religions, cultures, professions and institutions that flown on a tattoo.
To be sure whether nursing is one of the professions that stand against tattoo, numerous questions such as “Can registered nurses have a tattoo? Are nurses allowed to have tattoos? Can you be a nurse with tattoos? Can you have tattoos on the medical field ” are being asked by both health care professionals and those outside the health care industry.
The above questions are all great questions that must be answered fully with many factors in mind. So, in this short article, we will be providing clear solid answers to all the above questions.
Tattoo has become hottest dress. It has become like fashion for many people, especially for those in America. It’s like if you don’t have a tattoo you are outmoded. In fact, a report from research shows that close to 40% of young Americans between the age of 18 to 29 have one or more tattoos on their body. This percentage cross the half line when we look at this subject globally.
Since a tattoo is gradually into institutions and workplaces, let find out if nurses can also join the trend.

Can Nurses Have Tattoo?
If you ask me, are nurses allowed to have tattoos or can nurses have tattoo? I will tell you it depends. It depends on the country you are. Many nurses also says it depends the hospital you are working in or want to work in.
Let me explain, certain practices are forbidden in some countries but are acceptable in other countries. For instance, in my home country where I started my nursing carrier, you will be denied admission to study nursing if you have any visible tattoo on you. You can be supper intelligent but because of a tattoo, you will be disqualified. This means that you have to completely forget about tattoo if you want to be a qualified applicant for a nursing school in some Africa countries including Ghana.
These countries have instituted policies that made no room for people with tattoos to enter into nursing. You will be disqualified because of tattoos no matter how intelligent you are.
In America, Europe and Asia etc, the case is not very strict as in some Africa countries. In America, Europe and other continents, tattoo nurses are fairly accepted. This means that you can practice nursing with tattoos, but in these countries some hospitals have policies that prohibit tattooing and piercing by their nurses, while there are also hospitals that don’t whether a nurse have a tattoo or not.
Hospital Policy On Tattoos And Piercing
As already highlighted above, in many parts of Africa, nurses with tattoo is prohibited by nursing schools and health care facilities. There are hospital policy on tattoos and piercing that does not allow nurse to have any visible tattoo. Also, in America and other European countries, there are some hospitals that authorities have strict rules that requires nurses with tattoos to fully covered their tattoos when on duty. But there are also hospitals that don’t care whether a nurse have tattoos or not.
Why The Need For Hospital Policy On Tattoos And Piercing?
The nurses tattoo policy are put in place by many health institutions to ensure that discipline and professionalism remains part and parcel of the nursing profession.
As already stated, even though nurses with tattoos are fairly accepted in many health institutions, authorities in these health institutions put more restrictions on tattoos because some tattoos can be very scary offensive.
As a nurse, you also have to understand that your patients are people from all walks of life with different beliefs and culture. So you don’t have to do things that will offend them or scared them and hider their healing process.
It’s therefore important to stay away from tattoos especially those that have racial, sexual, religious and political elements because such tattoos may irritate or offend patients or individual who see your tattoo.
Your patients are the most important people in your life when your are on duty and their healing process must be your number one goal. Most a times your tattoos may not be offensive but patients might find it unpleasant. This happens when your patient is in severe pain and see tattoos on you that is unacceptable in his or her religion and culture. You must be every patient’s helper so you have to be neutral and decent always especially in your dress by adhering to the registered nurse dress code of your facility.
Can You Have Tattoo In The Medical Field?
Nurses, medical assistants and doctors works together in taking care of patients. They all work as a team with a common goal; quick recovery of the patients. So when it comes to tattoos, what discuss about nurses also applies to medical assistants, doctors anyone in the medical field.

Ideal Tattoos For Nurses
Since you don’t know what type of tattoo might offend or irritate your patients, it is important that if you want to tattoo as a nurse or a health care provider you position your tattoo at places that your uniform can easily cover. Places such as your back, your thighs, your arms, your legs, your chest are ideal. However, you should endeavour to avoid tattoos on body parts such as your face, your neck, your wrist etc. This is because tattoos at such positions are very difficult to cover when you are on duty.
Final Takeaway
You can have tattoo and practice as nurse in America, Europe, Asia, etc. But bear in mind that not all hospitals in these continents or countries will give you a job offer if you have visible tattoo on you.
So if you have visible tattoos on you and want to apply for a nursing job, do well to find out if the hospital you are applying for accept nurses with tattoos if not you mighty end up waiting your time applying for a job in a hospital that you will be denied the job because of your tattoo.